
And Baby Makes 5.....{Williamsburg Family Photographer, Williamsburg Newborn Photographer, Williamsburg Children's Photographer}

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I met Anna Marie a few months ago when she started teaching my youngest for speech therapy. She is so sweet, happy, and lively - and Cal loves his "peach teacher!" :) I got up the courage to mention that I would love to photograph her new baby and was SOOOO excited when I heard from her after baby Lena was born! 
And oh my......her kids are some of the cutest and sweetest I have met!! Here is some of the cuteness from our session.......

Sweet baby Lena...<3

It's so tiring being so cute!

You gotta love silly boys!! 
He was showing us his dance moves.....and boy does he have some good ones!! ;-)

Thank you so much! I had a great time with you guys!!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!



  1. That baby is beautiful. She has such an older looking face...wise already!


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