

Monday, November 29, 2010

Well, it was a crazy weekend here! We had a full house of aunts, uncles, and cousins. I did get a chance to take some great photos of my brother Keith and his girlies. It was cold, but still fun! I can't wait to photograph Keith and Katie's new little one this spring! I can get my baby fix - then hand him/her back to mommy and daddy - yay!! ;-)

I'm so thankful for my wonderful family and friends. This was a hard holiday, as it was the first one without dad around. We cried a little, laughed a lot, and only fought a tiny bit. Now on to Christmas craziness...



  1. These are beautiful. I love the leaves...I want some of those here!

  2. Thanks Amber! I will send you some....and include the frigid weather! Brrrr!


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